Unmatched Innovation

Experience a revolutionary software solution for effortless Wayfinding, Task Management, and Indoor Positioning, and much more. Our fully customizable solution is tailored to optimize your day-to-day operations and deliver an unparalleled experience to your clients.

Unmatched Innovation

Responsive and Proactive

Accessing Information

Stay Informed and On Time

Connect and Share

Transparent Connectivity

Convenient Ordering

Bringing Convenience to You

Increase Airport Revenue

Effortless Profitability Solution

Passenger Satisfaction

Enhanced Service Quality


Improved Accessibility Experience

Indoor Navigation

Seamless Customized Wayfinding


Step into the future of seamless navigation with IndoorAccess®. By eliminating infrastructure constraints, our advanced wayfinding technology transcends airports to enhance security, optimize airline cargo operations, and deliver unparalleled passenger experiences. Embrace the transformative power of IndoorAccess® and lead the way in navigation innovation.

Partner Benefits


IndoorAccess® is an innovative solution designed around passengers with disabilities needs. We helps airlines cater to their passengers with best in class service and helps to improve the ADA/PRM passenger journey become memorable.


Our goal as the leading software solutions is to assist airports in handling their ever-increasing passenger traffic. We employ the latest technology and tools that help to simplify operations and improve dispatching capabilities to avoid any bottlenecks.

In addition to brining excellent passenger experience IndoorAccess® will also generate additional revenue to airports and its vendors

Regulatory Agencies

We are committed to offering a secure solutions that further provides regulatory agencies with full visibility in real-time in addition to historical data where their agents are located inside an airport.  This can help in utilizing staff more efficiently and anticipate for future demands based on previous historical data. 


Vendors can use the IndoorAccess® solution to track the response time from when a wheelchair was requested to the time when the passenger was picked up and finally arrived at the gate.

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